John Bull the Glutton, and what happened to him

A propaganda picture book
Illustration: John Bull Nimmersatt, picture book
Illustration from the propaganda picture book John Bull Nimmersatt und wie's ihm ergangen hat by Arpad Schmidhammer, 1916
German National Library, First World War Collection, signature: 1916 B 7377

John Bull the Glut­ton, and what hap­pened to him

A propaganda picture book

In 1916 the book illustrator and caricaturist Arpad Schmidhammer (1857–1921) published the book John Bull Nimmersatt und wie es ihm ergangen hat in the series “Scholz’ Artist Picture Books. The caricature John Bull presents England as a gluttonous and greedy enemy who is ultimately defeated by the “German Michel”. Topics addressed include the submarine war and the naval blockade as well as German military personalities such as the Admiral of the Fleet Alfred von Tirpitz and the founder of airship construction, Ferdinand von Zeppelin

Wartime picture books were published in increasing numbers until 1916. Popular motifs included troops of all kinds, the imitation of soldiers’ lives as a child’s game, and the stoking of enemy images. The pictures were frequently supplemented by catchy rhymes to learn by heart.

The complex matters shown could not be understood by children without explanation by a grown-up, and they therefore also influenced adult readers.
