Georg Minde-Pouet (1871-1950)

Director of the Deutsche Bücherei 1917-1923
Photo: Georg Minde-Pouet
Georg Minde-Pouet, photographer unknown, ca. 1923
German National Library

Georg Minde-Pou­et (1871-1950)

Director of the Deutsche Bücherei 1917-1923

Considerations should be made about removing, at an opportune time, those parts of the war collection that are not relevant to the collection.

Georg Minde-Pouet, May 1917

Already at a very early stage the German scholar and librarian Georg Minde-Pouet, who became director in May 1917, had a clear idea of the problems of the Deutsche Bücherei. He addressed these to the administrative board, saying in July 1917 that the war collection of the Deutsche Bücherei was far behind those of other collections, both quantitatively and in terms of content. As there were no more funds for any further acquisitions, he recommended restricting the collection and only to acquire that which was relevant to the collection of the Deutsche Bücherei. The wartime constraints that dominated the everyday life of the library were dealt with internally at the time, and were made public only after the end of the war.
